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Giving Back for Black Friday

Giving Back for Black Friday

Join us this Black Friday for a super Hiro + Wolf sale & fundraiser for our friends at The Retreat Animal Sanctuary! From 26th to 28th November, not only can you save 10% on your purchase, we will also be donating 10% from sales to The Retreat. Find all of your favourite styles including our new Mud Cloth and Holly Pop prints, as well as our new cosy dog jumpers, all at 10% off! We currently donate £1 from the sale of every item in our vegan range to The Retreat and are very excited to be able to support them even more this Black Friday! Make sure you use code GIVEBACK10.



The Retreat Animal Sanctuary is a completely vegan animal sanctuary in Kent with an on-site cafe. They rescue animals from abuse, neglect and the meat, egg and dairy industries. The number of animals being cared for by the retreat is over 1,000 at any one time and they operate a genuine no-kill policy, meaning no healthy animal is ever put down. We have been lucky enough visit for a private tour with The Retreat's founder and project director, Billy, who showed us around the beautiful centre and told us the stories of many of their animal residents, including Joey the donkey, Coconut Rockstar the goat and Aries the disabled sheep. We currently donate £1 from the sale of each Hiro + Wolf vegan lead or collar to The Retreat. You can read more about the sanctuary here



Remember to use code GIVEBACK10. Happy Shopping!

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