Jonelle joined our pack in 2016 on an internship as part of her university's study abroad programme. We knew we were going to hit it off when she came for the interview and Wolf jumped straight onto her lap. Jonelle now works full time for Free People at their Home Office in South Philly, PA as the design coordinator for the women's structured division. Just liked when she worked for us here in the UK she is loving that the company is small enough that you know everyone personally and get to be hands on with the product on a daily basis. Jonelle recently got back in touch with us to let us know about her new puppy, Bentley and to of course kit him out in some snazzy new Hiro + Wolf threads. We wanted to find out a little more about their life across the pond so caught up with Jonelle for this interview.
How did you and Bentley meet?
Bentley and I met on November 16th at an adoption event in the greater Philadelphia Area. The rescue group is called Home at Last. They work solely as a foster based rescue so their dogs are able to acclimatise to home living right away. Quite a few of my friends from work got their pups from them! They hold adoption events every week all around Philadelphia so that people can come and meet the dogs and puppies. I wasn't looking for any specific type / breed / age of dog but I had been searching the adoption sites for about 6 months before I found Bentley. He is a Chihuahua Mix with big ears and an apple shaped head. He was one of 3 puppies (from the same litter) found by the rescue abandoned and left in a dumpster. I met him when he was 9 weeks old and he had a pretty prominent scar running down his back in a 'T' shape. It was a little worrisome to look at because he was only 3 lbs and the scar took up half his back. After I took him home and to his first vet visit we were able to tell that it wasn't anything more than a scar and that he was in perfect puppy health! Nothing stops him; he is the fastest little dog at the park.
Is there anything you learnt from your time interning with us at Hiro + Wolf that helped with your decision to get a dog?
Interning with you at Hiro + Wolf and meetings the dogs and hearing your stories and how they inspire you not only in work but in every aspect of life I knew I wanted a dog. Just being in an office with a dog makes working infinitely better. I am so lucky that I now have the opportunity to work in another office that allows us to have our furry best friends close by our sides during the day. Being around Hiro + Wolf brought me so much joy - I knew I wanted to work someplace and live someplace that felt the same way about dogs. Bentley and I are inseparable now; wherever I go he comes too. No matter how tough the day gets he is always there to make me smile and let me know its going to be alright (and also that he would like more belly rubs).

How are you balancing work life with caring for Bentley?
Work life with a new puppy was difficult. I definitely underestimated how difficult it would be to train a dog, manage work, manage my social life, my relationship and my own health. I have had Bentley now for nearly 6 months and we are still working on it! Because I do not own a car I commute to work everyday. This means that Bentley commutes to work everyday too! We take a train and a bus to get to my job so having a comfortable backpack carrier was key. Bentley loves going along for the ride and the commuters love seeing Bentley; it's a win win! Once we are at work Bentley has the best time greeting all my coworkers and his fellow dog friends. We have multiple dog parks on site where we can unleash and have some play time. Every aspect of my life had to be re-evaluated and tailored to Bentley but I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Do you have any budget saving tips for other dog-parent’s?
Wow dogs can get expensive! I really had no idea just how much I would be spending but I knew it would be a lot. We buy a lot of our stuff in bulk to save some money; dog food, treats, bully sticks & tennis balls. Bentley is also insured because vet bills alone are terrifying and I highly recommend if you have a puppy to insure them. You will not only save money in the long run but will also have the peace of mind if something does happen. I would say that I save the most money purely because of how small of a dog he is. The size of the dog does matter when it comes to saving some money here and there. A smaller dog will naturally eat less, chew less, have less expensive beds, bowls, and accessories. I had to look at my lifestyle too; having a smaller dog is better for my apartment living, my commute and my wallet. We may all want a dog but being financially able to care for it is key. I saved up for a few years so that I could give Bentley the best possible start at life.
Thank you Jonelle! We hope to see you again soon xx
Bentley wears Kaleidoscope harness and lead.