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Happy Mother's Day | Top Tips For First-Time Dog Mums

Happy Mother's Day | Top Tips For First-Time Dog Mums

Header image of Cheyenne and her pup, Luna.


Sunday 14th March marks a very special day in the UK - Mother's Day! We love having the chance to celebrate all the wonderful Mums and Mother-figures, so this year we wanted to highlight new dog mums. With a record-high number of puppies and dogs being adopted during lockdown, we know many wonderful ladies who have become pup parents for the very first time. So, we sat down for a digital chat with some of them to get the low-down on what it is like to own a dog for the very first time... 


Luna wears our Emerald City Harness and Classic Lead, Wizard of Dog Hound Collar and Magic Wand Crochet Dog Toy


What was the most unexpected thing about becoming a new dog mum?

Cheyenne: The daily 4:30am wake up call just to give me a lick before she slips off back to sleep. Initially this was very irritating but now I find myself looking forward to our special nighttime moment.

Marilyn: The most unexpected thing about being dog mum was how rewarding it is.

Claire: I don't know if it was entirely unexpected but definitely how big your heart grows and just how much you love your dog. They become part of your family from day one and you really can't imagine what your world was like before them (BC - Before Carrot in our case). Your heart grows when you welcome a pup into your home and your life improves in so many ways. I wake up every morning excited to see Carrot, I exercise more with her, I am more responsible because I have to put her needs into consideration and it has been so wonderful for my relationship with my husband to share how much we love our dog. 

What do you wish you knew before becoming a dog mum?

Cheyenne: So cliche but THEY GROW UP SO FAST. I don’t think I was ever really prepared for the moment someone called Luna an oldie, but she has made me a promise that she will live forever so we hope to never ever cross that bridge.

Marilyn: I wish i knew a good groomer before becoming a dog mum and to research type of food to give your breed of dog.

Claire: You can't control everything. Dogs will have a blast digging up your lawn, then run into your house with muddy paws, jump on your bed and find a pair of your favourite socks and destroy them - all with a big smile on their face. You sometimes just need to roll with what is thrown at you and have patience. Also, sometimes training takes longer than you'd hope but that is okay and again just be patient with your pup and seek help from your Vet or a professional if you're worried - they'll keep you right! 


Claire and Carrot. Carrot wears our New York! New York! Classic Lead.

What advice would you give someone becoming a dog mum for the first time?

Cheyenne: There are difficult days, especially as puppies, your dog will get excited and probably bark at many a stranger, you are probably going to fall over in mud trying to pick up their poop in a torrential down poor, they will definitely ignore you to roll in that sweet sweet rotting seaweed but that’s okay because I guarantee every dog owner has experienced the same and will comfort you with the usual ‘ah we’ve been there before’ comment.

Marilyn: If someone is becoming dog mum for first time, look into the breed of dog you get, how much exercise is needed, and if your dog is ok at home alone for short periods.

Claire: Do your research on owning a dog! Being a dog mama is a big responsibility and you want to be as prepared as possible, especially if you're bringing home a puppy. They need a lot of attention and care so make sure you understand what routine you want to create for your pup and ensure that you have the time to dedicate the care they deserve. Before you decide to bring a pup home, also make a list of everything that goes into being a dog mum and create a budget - food/dog walker/toys/pet insurance/vet costs, etc. There are a lot of expenses so make sure you have a plan.


Marilyn and Molly. Molly wears our Coastal Kikoy Harness

What is your favourite part about being a new dog mum?

Cheyenne: The courage and companionship that one little pup can give you. She has opened so many doors for me, many more than I would have opened myself, whether that be by meeting new people or going into collaboration to make dog toys, where I find myself today.

Marilyn: Favourite part of becoming a dog mum is that their always happy to see you when you get home, and when you are out and about, people always stop for a chat even when you don't know them.

Claire: The unconditional love. Carrot is such a sweetheart and we are so blessed to have her in our lives. She is a total cuddler and can brighten your day with just a wag of the tail. She knows if you've had a bad day and will come and curl up next to you and show how much she loves you. I also love seeing Carrot playing with dogs and people, just having the best time. It brings me joy to see the joy she gives others around her. 


Thank you to all the lovely fur parents who shared their top tips with us today! What 1 piece of advice would you give to someone getting a dog for the first time? Let us know in the comments! 

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