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Meet the Team's Pets | National Pet Day

Meet the Team's Pets | National Pet Day

It's National Pet Day! As you can imagine, this is a very special day for all of us at Hiro + Wolf and so we thought we'd mark the occasion by introducing our team's pets to you! National Pet Day is celebrated on 11th April every year and was originally founded to highlight the unconditional love pets bring to our lives and to encourage adoption. As pet owners & animal lovers, there isn't a day that goes by that we don't celebrate the love of our pets! So, we asked everyone in our team to tell us all about their furry friends and (of course) they had plenty to say. Meet our extended pack...


Bee & Wolf
My pets name is Wolf! He came into my life 12 years ago. I had taken some time off work and just come back from a 4 month sabatical in South Africa.  My son was on a gap year and our beloved ginger cat FatCat passed away.  When we went to the vet to collect his ashes they told me of this little dog that needed a home.  My son had always wanted a dog and now he was on a gap year and I was between careers it seemed like an ideal time.  We had to travel to Edmonton in London to see him. I said to Conor if he is small and black we will get him. We had no idea what he was.  When the door opened this little black hairy ball launched itself at us and it was love. Wolf had never been shown that much love or been taken for walks.  His life changed dramatically that day and so did ours! He came to us as a Tye and became Tidal Wave. Someone pointed out that he was rather 'porcine' so that he became Pig, Piggy, Porus. A very posh lady in Parliament Hill asked what breed he was and jokily I said a mini Wolfhound so from that day he became Wolf and that was the very same day as Amy and myself were discussing starting a dog brand so Hiro + Wolf was born and Pig became Wolf but is still known as Pig. His character is my favourite thing about him. He is as bright as a button and very friendly. He has many admirers in Margate and is a firm favourite on the beach. He is a really good snuggler and loves to be loved! He is very vocal and has a wide range of barks, yelps and huremphs and likes to greet everyone who comes in the shop. A few months after we got him my mum passed away and I had to go back to South Africa for a few months. On returning to London, Wolf was my saviour.  I wanted to hide from the world but he needed walking so I had to go out and face the world and his companionship saw me through those darkest days.


Amy & Hiro
My pets name is Hiro! He came into my life 12 years ago. I travelled all the way from London to Preston on public transport to collect him from a little old lady with 5 shiba inu's and a fat sausage dog. I'll never forget how he jumped up at me with such excitement, pee'd on my leg and nibbled a piece of my leather jacket. It truly was love at first bite. We call him Puffle because he puffs his fur everywhere, all day, every day of the year! I love how peaceful a soul he is. I always wonder what he's thinking when he sits in the garden come rain or shine just to sniff the air and contemplate the world around him. He has an instant calming affect on me. Whatever size bed we buy for him he never seems to quite fit in it. In fact his version of comfy always looks pretty uncomfortable to me. Whether he's sleeping with his head under a step, using a slab of concrete for a pillow or has contorted himself around a corner it's endless amusement to see where he will nap next. Hiro has always meant home to me. I fetched him when I was 24 and living in London so we moved around lots of rented places together before settling in Margate 5 years ago. A house wouldn't be a home without him.



Nicola & Brisco & Lola
We got Brisco in Winter 2010 and  Lola in Autumn 2020. Brisco is also known as Bisky or B-Boy whilst Lola goes by  Little Monkey (She likes to climb all over you for kisses!) and Bat Face (she has an overbite, so her canines are often showing). Brisco has the best nature- he is so gentle, sweet and loving! He will always bring himself over to you to say hello and for some ear scritches. Lola i s very loving, when she's not running around and playing with her toys, she loves curling up to you for a cuddle- especially if you have a nice fluffy blanket!  he has an evening routine of getting very playful after dinner. She will choose a toy, bring it into the lounge, plop it onto the floor, stare at a person of her choosing and chomp the air until they with her! Brisco likes to think he's a lap dog, he'll pop himself onto the sofa with you, and before you know it he's doing the biggest sigh, and pushing you off so he has a full 3 seater to himself. He means so much to me! He really is the best and sweetest pooch- but these words aren't strong enough! I Love him so much. Lola always makes me so happy when I am greeted by her, she's always so happy to see me! 


Bella & Mitty 
My rabbit is called Mitty and I got her in February 2020, just before the COVID lockdown. I found her in the adoption section in a local pet shop.  I call her 'Scrummy' because she's so adorable.  She loves having very long cuddles, especially when you wrap her up in her favourite pink blanket(s).  She behaves like a dog. She will roll onto her back, wait for belly rubs and 'honks' around my legs for attention!  She is part of the family and is a therapy bunny. She changes our moods whenever she's in the room.


Leona & Rogue

My dogs name was Rogue. She was the most gorgeous black Labrador that I was lucky enough to grow up with. She sadly passed away at the start of March in 2021 at the amazing age of 14. She was always such a good girl and we often laughed how she would respond to any name you called her! She often went by Roguey-Bear, Roguel or Bear. She was my absolute best friend throughout my difficult teenage years and always knew exactly when I needed comforting. She had an amazing ability to make you smile no matter how you were feeling. She loved her toys, her favourite was a stuffed panda toy, and she would always bring you a toy as soon as you walked through the front door - you knew if she brought you the panda that you were the favourite for the day! She was such a sensitive soul and everyone that met her said she was the sweetest dog they'd met. Without her, I'm not sure how I would have coped through some very difficult times in my life. I often think about her when I'm having a stroll down the beach and she never fails to make me smile, even though she's not here anymore. 

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