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National Pet Month | Get to Know The Team's Pets

It's National Pet Month! As you can imagine, this is a very special month for all of us at Hiro + Wolf and so we thought we'd mark the occasion by introducing our team's pets to you! National Pet Month is celebrated in April every year and was originally founded to highlight the unconditional love pets bring to our lives and to encourage adoption. As pet owners and animal lovers, there isn't a day that goes by that we don't celebrate the love of our pets! So, we asked everyone in our team to tell us all about their furry friends and (of course) they had plenty to say. Meet our extended pack... 


Natalie + Sonny

My pets name was Sonny. I got Sonny in April 2011, we rescued him from a friend who couldn't look after him anymore. Sonny's nickname was Piglet because when he walked his ears flapped in the wind. Sonny used to love a roast dinner when we had one and a nice cup of tea after every walk. The funniest thing about Sonny was the way he would jump on the sofa and lay in the bend of my arm on his back and go to sleep. Sonny meant to world to me, he helped me get through a really bad patch in my life, he always knew when I needed a cuddle or cheering up. I was a mess when he left me, total heartbreak, I cried every night for a week. What I loved about Sonny the most was that he knew when it was bedtime and he would run up the stairs before me to get the best spot in the bed! Also, when my Dad carved the meat on a Sunday, he would sit right next to him and wait for Dad to drop some for him. Love that he got to play with toys (he never played with toys until he came to me) and we gave him the best life any dog could ask for. 


Leona + Raffy

My pets name is Raffy. We bought him home in March 2017 for my Mum's birthday in April that year. She's always loved Dachshunds and Chinese Cresteds and Raffy is a mix of both these breeds! Technically they're known as a "crestoxie" but we lovingly refer to him as just mixed breed. Raffy gets called all sorts of nicknames, my nephews call him "Raff Raff", he's also known as just Raff, Riff Raff, Rafferty and, of course, Baby Boy. There's lots of things that Raffy loves; chomping on a carrot, begging for cheese, being wrapped up in a blanket and playing his version of fetch where he never brings the toy back to you. One funny thing Raffy does is he makes a specific "grumble" noise when he wants to get under a blanket or duvet. As he is mostly hairless he loves being warm and cosy, so you'll pretty much always find him snuggled up somewhere. Raffy means the world to me and to our whole family. He has been with us through the loss of three other pets and has been so amazingly resilient, adaptable and comforting. He is the sweetest natured dog with a huge personality and never fails to make me smile. I love his silliness, I love playing chase with him and I love how he has such a happy outlook on life. I think we could all be a little bit more Raffy. 


Amy + Hiro

My dog is called Hiro. I got him as a puppy from an elderly lady in Preston who had 5 Shiba Inu’s and a fat sausage dog. It took me 5 hours to get there on a coach, then another 5 back by train with him curled up on my lap. It was love at first sight. We call him Shiba Shoe (because I once found him asleep in one of my shoes). Puffle, because he puffs his thick coat allll over our home several times a year! His favourite things? Sleeping! And prawn crackers. Hiro and I have been through so much together, he is my constant in an ever changing world. Throughout my twenties he was my favourite party animal and would ride up front in a bicycle basket between gallery openings and house parties. Now he’s my little zen companion who snoozes next to the banquettes in our kitchen while I eat or work, always happy for a tummy tickle. I love how low maintenance Hiro is. He’s just happy being at home and watching the world go by. With a demanding (but joyful) toddler at home too, I love that Hiro has accepted his new role as the peaceful big brother.


Bee + Wolf

My pets name is Wolf! He came into my life 12 years ago. I had taken some time off work and just come back from a 4 month sabatical in South Africa.  My son was on a gap year and our beloved ginger cat FatCat passed away.  When we went to the vet to collect his ashes they told me of this little dog that needed a home.  My son had always wanted a dog and now he was on a gap year and I was between careers it seemed like an ideal time.  We had to travel to Edmonton in London to see him. I said to Conor if he is small and black we will get him. We had no idea what he was. When the door opened, this little black hairy ball launched itself at us and it was love. Wolf had never been shown that much love or been taken for walks.  His life changed dramatically that day and so did ours! He came to us as a Tye and became Tidal Wave. Someone pointed out that he was rather 'porcine' so that he became Pig, Piggy, Porus. A very posh lady in Parliament Hill asked what breed he was and jokily I said a mini Wolfhound so from that day he became Wolf and that was the very same day as Amy and myself were discussing starting a dog brand so Hiro + Wolf was born and Pig became Wolf but is still known as Pig. His character is my favourite thing about him. He is as bright as a button and very friendly. He has many admirers in Margate and is a firm favourite on the beach. He is a really good snuggler and loves to be loved! He is very vocal and has a wide range of barks, yelps and huremphs and likes to greet everyone who comes in the shop. A few months after we got him my mum passed away and I had to go back to South Africa for a few months. On returning to London, Wolf was my saviour.  I wanted to hide from the world but he needed walking so I had to go out and face the world and his companionship saw me through those darkest days.

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